Yesterday was Christmas. And it was a very special Christmas for me. Christmas Eve, I spent with my dad and his side of the family. We had a wonderful time. Christmas morning I went to my mom's. I was truly blessed there also. I got a fiddle for Christmas (or a violin; I guess it depends on how you want to play it!). I don't play. I don't ready music. But I have said for years that I would some day learn to play the fiddle. I love to hear that instrument. It makes me smile!

Now I have the fiddle. Time to learn to play! :) I am currently trying to locate someone in my town that will teach me all I need to know about playing a fiddle. Wish me luck on that one.

It was a very humbling and an experience that I will never forget. To know that I was there for several hours and how cold I was made me think how very lucky I was to have a bed to sleep in, an apartment to live in, and food to eat. I had never done anything like that before and I felt blessed to be a very small part of it all. I truly hope to go back to the bridge in the future.
I hope that you all had as wonderful a Christmas as I did.
Hi Cara.
Good luck with your fiddle, and God bless you for spending part of your Christmas Day in service to less fortunate people.
Congrats on the fiddle. That is exciting.
What a wonderful experience for you to serve under the bridge. I was the mission's president in my church for years and every time we did something local like this it was amazing. My favorites were getting the teens involved with work and witness trips.
I am so glad you had a blessed Christmas and hope that it will carry into the new year. ;)
Oh, Cara,
I love the fiddle, too. I have always thought it would be so cool to be able to play one. Charlie Daniels almost makes me cry watching him play that thing. He is awesome!
Participating in The Under the Bridge Ministry seems like such a humbling experience. We are so blessed, aren't we?
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