Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Overnight Mail

Yesterday, as I was on my way into my class (I am currently working on my Masters degree) my phone rang. It was MiniMed, wanting to know where they could ship my new CGMS to be signed for today! I gave them my work address and they told me that it should arrive around 10:30 this morning.

I am a very impatient person. 10:00 rolled around: nothing. 10:30: nothing. 11:00: nothing. I got to lunch at 12:00. Still, nothing.

"Surely, I'll have something when I get back from lunch," I thought to myself. The blogger in me even brought my camera back from home to take a picture when the packages arrived. When I got back at 1:00....there was still NOTHING! Ahhhhh! I'm worse than a little kid on Christmas. It's killing me by this time. I even contemplated calling MiniMed and asking them what the tracking number was for FedEx.

While I sat, contemplating this phone call, my phone rang. "Cara," one of our secretaries said, "You have some packages up here."

Yeah!!!!! It's about time! I ran up front and there were two boxes there. One said "Refrigerate Upon Arrival".

I hurried them back to my desk and took a picture quickly.

Then I tore into the boxes. I examined the items quickly. Got out the owner's manual and gave it a quick glance. And then I called my doctor's office. I knew they would either refer me to the local diabetes educator, or tell me to call her and make an appointment. I talked with one of my favorite ladies at the office and she told me to just call the diabetes center and talk to my diabetes educator (the same one who helped me with my pump).

I called the center and she was not in. But I left a message with the receptionist and my phone number and told her what I was needing. She told me my CDE would get back with me today or tomorrow.

So far today, still no call. But that's okay.

When I got home I had to take out the boxes again, but the sensors in the refrigerator, and look at the manual more closely. I am still working on it, but I was so excited I had to share with you all!

Very soon I should be hooked up to the CGMS!

Also a note: My Sussy pal isn't Caro. Anyone else know who it could be from the UK? I am stumped! I am going crazy! I hope you guys can help me figure out who it is. Perhaps a person on flicker Diabetes 365 group? I don't know.


Naomi said...

I bet Amylia or Beth would tell you who your sussy is if you asked nicely!

Yay for the CGMS!!

Jillian said...

Good luck with your CGM I'm glad you got it! I remember talking to you about it in the Tudiabetes chat room a long time ago.

Oh on the UK think there is a girl named whose name is Maisy (well that's her flickr name anyway) in the project. She lives in Liverpool. I feel like she has a blog...but I can't remember.

Donna said...

Wow! So many packages in just 2 days! You're so lucky! Hope you get things set up with the diabetes educator soon. Good luck!

Anonymous said...


Your sussy is also my sussy (the one I sent it to). I thought it was Caro, too (our mistake), but it is not. I actually don't know who she is, nor does Beth. I mean, I have her address in the UK, but I don't know who she is.

Jillian said...

Cara, I hope you're okay with all these storms in your area. I'm worried please update us as soon as you can.

Araby62 (a.k.a. Kathy) said...

Hi Cara, just remembered that your profile says you're in Tennessee. Hope you made it through the bad weather OK down there. Good luck with the CGM, let us know how it goes!