Fast forward to 2:30 this morning.
My pump was buzzing. I usually don't hear the beeps (I'm a hard sleeper), so it wasn't much of a surprise that the vibrations were what it took to wake me up. I looked down and low and behold, there was a "No Delivery" message. And immediately I knew it was right. My mouth felt like cotton, my head hurt, I felt like I had walked across the desert and was in desperate need of a drink...and a trip to the bathroom.
I got up, turned on the light and began to gather my items for a site change. I didn't even bother checking for ketones when I went to the bathroom. A quick blood sugar test showed my blood sugar was 387. I knew I had ketones. Didn't need that little stick to tell me.
What bothered me, first off, was that there was no kink in my cannula. I took a picture to prove it.
The second thing that bothered me...well, I probably wouldn't have noticed it if it weren't for my CGMS. I noticed, on my screen, that I'd been VERY high for a long time. Several hours. Why hadn't I heard (or felt) my CGMS telling me that?
So, then I went on to check my Alarm History. It showed that the first "No Delivery" alert came at 11:46. Another at 1:28. And the last, the one I finally heard/felt at 2:24.
But, and this is a big but that has had me contemplating switching back to the 722, the alert system is not that great for when I'm asleep. And that's a MAJOR reason that I need those alerts. I'm an adult. Until recently, I was living alone. I need those alerts. On the old 722, if you didn't turn your beep off, it would wait a minute or so and beep again. After about 5 minutes of that, it would switch to the continual beep (without a break, so that it was more like a siren), and then, if you still didn't get it, it would start to vibrate. And continue to do so until you turned it off.
That saved my life a couple of times with lows. But, with the new Revel, the vibrations don't work that way. It vibrates for about 5 seconds and then stops and doesn't do it again for a while. I'm not sure how long. Maybe around 5 minutes.
That causes a major problem for people like me who need something to pull us out of a deep sleep. The constant vibration always woke me up. I'm usually laying on my pump (sadly), which is a major part of the reason I can't hear the beeps anyway. And if that constant vibrations isn't there....well you get what I got last night. Or worse. What if it'd been a low, instead of a high? I could have gone into a seizure or anything.
Or, what if I hadn't felt that last vibration at 2:30 this morning. What would another 3.5 hours of no insulin done to me? That would have been a total of 7 hours without insulin. As it was, I went 3 hours without insulin, and who knows how long before that without adequate insulin (before the "No Delivery" was triggered).
This morning, I did check my ketones when I got up. Only "trace," thank goodness. My blood sugar was sill 217. More boluses. More water to drink. More trips to the bathroom to make.
Yet I can't help but think about how this could have gone differently (better or worse). And both bother me. So, this is my message to Medtronic:
Fix this problem!
I love MiniMed too much to just walk away from it. Besides, how would I know if anything else was better without trying it first? The point is, I love MiniMed. And I know that this is just a choice they made when designing the new Revel. But I'm telling them it was the WRONG choice. And they need to figure out a way to fix it. Because someone's life could be hanging in the balance.
I agree. I miss the annoying alarm that does not give up. Daniel is a hard sleeper too. His alarms, thankfully, wake Sarah who is across the hall, but not him.
So glad you are ok. Big hugs.
Sorry you're having trouble w/this Cara. I too am a big fan of Minimed. My pump woke me up at 5:30 this morning, vibrating w/an 'Empty Reservoir' on the display. I would have gotten up in a few minutes anyway, but it sure is good to get those messages.
Maybe if you contact your Medtronic rep he/she might have some suggestions, or at least make sure the home office gets the message.
No suggestions.
Just glad you awoke and you're ok.
Sorry for your rough night. I hope Medtronic gets the message & implements those options into their next pump. I rely on the vibrations of my Dexcom to wake me up,so I can understand the frustrations of something not doing that, its very necessary for some of us.(life and death necessary) Hope you feel better soon.
The biggest issue I noticed with the Medtronic alarms is they're pitched wrong -people over 30 can't really hear them.
I'm one of those weirdos who can still hear the mosquito ringtone the kids use. My roommate got a new 722 and turned the alarms on. He'd be upstairs, in his room, with the door shut, wearing the pump. I could hear the alarm, but he couldn't. They need to test these things.
Lili- you are VERY right. I have some hearing issues anyway, I think. The iPod touch has a thing that does the weird rings and the first one I can hear is the one for the 40 yr olds (Ekk!!! I'm not that old!). There are times my roommate hears me beeping before I hear me. Even in waking hours.
When I had the MM 522 and the CGMS - the alarms were SOOOO annoying - but like you say - they notified us that something was wrong. Like you say, voice you opinion to MM - if they don't hear from the people like us who require their products to work for them - then they'll never tweak their products perform for us.
Strange, I used to get a few NO DELIVERIES with my MM 522 - but since switching over to Animas (2020) - never had that problem since.
Keep drinking fluids / monitoring BG's / and if you have to - bolus via MDI method.
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