I am a firm believer in retail therapy. Most women would agree with me on this on. Today was a need for retail therapy for me.
I had my 3 month appointment with my endo. I had some of my data printed off MiniMed's
Care Link, and was ready to go. I had my blood drawn for my A1c last week. I was interested to know what my A1c was since my last appointment they did my test in office and
I felt it was wrong.
When they gave me my results back, it was just as I guessed: 6.7. Much higher than the in office test then did last time, and more reflective of the home testing results that I get.
I wasn't terrible disappointed, but am still actively working to get my A1c below 6. That is my ultimate goal.
My doctor also told me that when they checked my blood pressure it was 137 over 75. That is outrageous for me! My top number is typically between 96 and 110. I nearly stroked out when he told me this. I just had my blood pressure checked two weeks ago and it was 98 over 70. So I am wondering if it was just a fluke. I told my doctor this and he said he wouldn't start me on any type of blood pressure medicine.
Then he started talking about long term care and starting me on ace inhibitors. This stressed me out greatly. I have no need for ace inhibitors at this time. I am not spilling protein in my urine and I have no other problems that are diabetes related except high cholesterol (under control with meds) and the start of cataracts on both my eyes.
He told me that ace inhibitors were something that we should probably start in the next few years anyway just because it is supposed to protect your blood vessels. I don't know. I am confused and stressed.
My understanding has always been that ace inhibitors were for people who were showing signs of kidney failure. I have none. Does anyone have any opinions on this? Are any of you on ace inhibitors to prevent damage?
He was also telling me that if you are pregnant, ace inhibitors can damage the fetus within the first month. Although I am not planning pregnancy any time in the near future, how many people actually know the are pregnant in the first month??? Yet another reason to freak me completely out.
My endo did want to see me again in 2 months. I am guessing it is because he wants to see more data trends with my CGMS.
After this appointment I was so stressed about the blood pressure and the ace inhibitors, that I needed retail therapy. I promptly went to the boutique that sells
the make-up I love, and promptly spent $93. This is the biggest failing I have had in my finances in a long, long time. But, I just got my tax return back, so it wasn't the end of the world.

And I figure it this way, if I am going to have to go on ace inhibitors and blood pressure meds, I might as well look beautiful while I do it. :)
On the positive side, I joined the gym. I have gone 4 of the past 6 days and am hoping that I can keep myself on track. I want to loose some weight and I know exercise is essential to a diabetics health. I have just never done it cause I HATE to exercise. I joined for 1 month and if I can make myself keep going this month, I will join the year next month.