I know that we are told, time and time again, not to look at the A1c as a "report card". But in a lot of ways, that's really what it is. It's a literal progress report of out last 3 months of blood sugars. Just like in school, we get an average of our "grades".
In school a 90 is a good, solid average. Not perfect, but not bad either. But in that average of 90, there may be five 100's and a 60. 

In our A1c, we may have a great number, but have some days that we could get below 180. Or a day that we fought lows all day and had several numbers lower than 75.
In both cases it is an average.
I have been reading blogs on a pretty regular basis. There have been several in the past couple of weeks that are talking about recent A1c results. One was thrilled with a 6.8. Another happy with a 7.1.
To me, this is where A1c's stop being report cards. It's not about reaching a certain number. It's about feeling your best and doing what you can to make progress toward a better number. For me, I want to be in the low 6's. But for someone else, who has more trouble or who has had a history of higher numbers, reaching 7.0 might be a proud moment.
So what's an "A" on my report card, might not be an "A" for you. And that's okay.
I say, set your own goals, with the help of your doctor, and reach for those goals. Don't compare yourself to me and I won't compare myself to you.
On that note, I go to get blood work done this week to prepare for my endo appointment on the 26th. Wish me luck.
Hi Cara,
Great point! We each have to have our own goals, be it A1C, weight, other lab results.
And, it's a good idea to remind ourselves of that every now and then.
I agree, Cara. It does no good to compare yourself to another pwd for we are each unique.
I guess we can let other people inspire us toward optimal self-care, but, then again the results may vary.
Have a good week ahead!
So true!!!! Not only with A1Cs, but with so many other things in life too. It's all relative - and sometimes it's best to only compare yourself to yourself.
As for knitting socks - I was knitting for over a year before I worked up the courage to try them. And I failed miserably at my first pair. Then, months later, picked them up again, and it just all clicked. After that, I was addicted to socks!!! What did I learn? That I should have practiced using double-point needles on a project that used thicker yarn first. Trying to learn how to knit on DPNs with that thin little yarn didn't help much!!
I agree too - it's all relative isn't it?
Another example of how different we all are.
I am always very curious about all my health measurements and lab tests, and I want to know every possible detail. However, I'm also somewhat skeptical about the "normal" numbers for all the tests. It's often said that everybody is different, and that a diet that works for one person may not work for someone else. I agree, but I also suspect that an "ideal" number (A1C, or blood glucose, or blood pressure, or HDL, or whatever) for one person may not be the ideal number for someone else. We really are all different, and age, gender, race, lifestyle, etc., all mean that everything else is likely to be different, also. We each have to find what works for us as individuals.
Thanks for sharing your insights.
You are so right, Cara. Good luck at your appointment.
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