Friday, April 24, 2009


D-OC, some of you already know that I have a trip planned for May. I am heading to the DC area to stay with a friend of mine for several days over Memorial Day weekend and for a couple of days I am going on to NYC.

I already have been in touch with some of you about getting together in both NY and DC. Those of you whom I may have missed, or that I may not be sure how close you are to either place, I am letting you know I will be around. I'd LOVE to meet up with a few (or a LOT) of you.

I had the pleasure of meeting Heidi over at The D-Log Cabin when I was in the DC area visiting. It was so much fun and it got me itching to take a trip to meet more D-bloggers.

As you will quickly find out if you spend any amount of time with me, I LOVE New York City. I've been 3 times and each time, I want to go back again. Due to the distance from Tennessee, and the shear cost of a trip (hotel, plane tickets, food, entertainment), I don't get to go very often. New York and my obsession with theater go hand in hand.

So, I figured a trip to NY would be perfect. Allison is there, and there are many other D-bloggers who live in the area and often write about going into the City.

So, basic plans have been made. And if you are going to be in the NY or DC area from May 22-May 27, please let me know and I'll see if we can't get together to meet.

This is a picture from my second trip to NY and my first ever NY subway ride. :) The first trip, I was with a tour and we just took a bus. I have to say, there's no where in the world like NY.


Anonymous said...

...i look forward to meeting you in the big apple! let's take it by storm, sistafriend!

Karen said...

I'm going to try to make it to the NYC meet-up!! Not sure what we've got going on that weekend, but I think I can make it. :)