I remember when it opened. My dad and I went in and I headed (like I always did...and still do) to the stationary section. I have always been obsessed with pens and pencils and notebooks and stationary. I don't know why. But I have. I'll never forget my dad saying, "There are just too many choices. How are you supposed to chose?"
I'm pretty sure he was joking. But I remember silently agreeing with him. How was I supposed to pick a new pen when there were so many to chose from? Different colors. Different sizes. Different inks.
Part of me is still that way, even though we have a bigger Wal-Mart now, and I've seen the wonders of Staples and Office Max in other places. Part of me still wishes, to some degree, that there were only 2 or 3 choices. Then it wouldn't be such a hard choice. You'd get what you'd get and you'd be happy with it. Or, as one of my Sunday school kids says, "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit."

Maybe I'm indecisive. But I also feel that way about insulin pumps. I began pumping on May 1, 2006. Which means four years is just around the corner. I'm (for the most part) happy with my MiniMed 722. I am (for the most part) loving my CGMS. But my warranty on my pump will be up in May. And my CGMS warranty has actually already been up for a while.

But sometimes I want to try something new. I wonder about other CGM Systems. I wonder about other pumps. And I wonder why I can't try one, really try one, without risking being stuck with something I hate for the next four years.

So, my question today is, do you guys ever feel that way too? Do you wish you had more options? Or do you think you have too many options?
Yes, I definitely feel this way...I'm sure I've blogged about it at one point. It's such a huge thing to have to purchase and then get "stuck" with if it doesn't work out. I wish there were trial pumps/systems....at least when you buy a car you can take it for a test drive!!:)
There's nothing out there pump-wise that makes me think "I really need to try that." I am perfectly happy with my Minimed and.. yeah. I mean, I think the other pumps are good, but I don't think they are better than what I have, so why switch?
CGM wise however, I am planning on switching. Not sure when, but probably soon. I am not satisfied and I do thing there is something better out there, so I plan to go after it. I think that's being a smart shopper.
I so get what you are saying. When it comes to the system Daniel uses I think we are sticking with it. I glance at the others but then I think about having to learn all over again and it exhausts me. Our house is already full of so much and their are always so many transitions.
From Daniel's perspective, Zak and Cody are his best friends and having to say goodbye to them and trade them for new friends would be a very difficult task to say the least.
I know this probably did not help you much in choosing, sorry. I look forward to seeing what you end up doing.
I'm having the issue of not knowing where I'm going to go from here. I have a Deltec Cozmo, which I absolutely love, and sadly, they stopped making them. This means eventually, I'll have to go back to something which is merely adequate for my needs unless Minimed makes some changes to their pumps.
It makes me sad that there are no pumps to get excited about, and it makes me even sadder that there's nothing out there which is going to be great for me as an individual.
Are you kidding? I spend 20 minutes in the cookie isle last night just trying to decide which box to bring home. I was completely overwhelmed, and this was just cookies!!!! The slightest though of keeping Minimed or switching to a new pump is so stressful to me. I'm kind of glad I have two more years before my warranty is up. I'm hoping by then, someone will come up with something SO GREAT that the choice will be easy.
Ohhh yeah... the grass is always greener. Stacey from Act1 has 2 different pumps, and after getting the 2nd one, she switched back to the 1st. Most pump companies will let you demo them (I know it's only for a week... but at least you could get an idea of how the other ones work). It's worth a a shot if you are really curious. =)
Lynnea, I agree. A test drive would be great!
Allison, I think CGMS is where most of my curiosity lies. But sometimes I wonder about other pumps too.
Vivian, that kind of makes it easier, doesn't it? That Daniel likes his so much that he doesn't want to part w/ it. Therefore you don't have to worry about it?
Hannah, I was so sad when they stopped making the Cozmo. I felt like they were one of the leaders in insulin pumps, and for the company to stop making them really left a hole in the insulin pump market.
Karen, you have no idea how glad I am to know I'm not the only one. I am such a creature of habit because it's easier than trying to pick something new! :P
Katie, that's my fear. That's I'll get something and hate it. It's such a stressful choice.
I am a technology junkie at heart and that includes diabetes related devices! As soon as something new comes out, I want it!! As Katie mentioned in her comment I do have both the MM and the Animas pumps. I have also tried both the Dexcom and MM CGMS. If you have any questions about them, please let me know and I'd be more than happy to share my experiences.
It's not an easy choice to make so if you are trying something new, I would totally recommend having a trial.
Stacey, please fill me in on the Dexcom and Animas. I have the MM system. And like I said, I'm not unhappy. But I'm curious about others. Animas and Dexcom are at the top of my list to learn about.
I completely get what you are saying. I kind of just jumped in with the MM CGM, and felt almost panicked when I realized it was such a big decision and I didn't try anything else out.
I sometimes see new pumps and think, wow that looks so cool (Like the animas one touch ping- water proof and a PDM that you can bolus from...say if you were wearing a dress). At the same time, I don't want to deal with the stress of switching pumps, insurance, different pricing, etc. And why mess it all up if I'm happy right?
ugh...decisions. I hate 'em
My MM warranty is almost up, too, and I'm considering going with Animas. I've been trying to get the rep on the phone to find out about trialling it. Supposedly the CGMS integration will be this summer.
I definitely do wish there were more and better options! I'm allergic to Teflon, so that rules out the Omnipod and Amigo. I'm not willing to give up an on-pump bolus wizard, so that rules out the Spirit.
I wish I had more options. I liked the accuracy of the navigator but didn't like how large it was or the 10 hour calibration. I didn't like the minimed cgms. it was never correct to my actual blood sugar. I like the dexcom, currently my favorite cgms. It is very accurate, only 2 hour calibration, lasts for a week, it is also more comfortable and I never feel the needle going in me.
Cara... have you heard about Revel, Medtronic's new pump? There are some features, including Predictive Alerts, Rate of Change Alerts and smaller basal/bolus increments that you might like. Just a thought...
Danny, the release of the Revel came a few days after I posted this blog. :) I am seeing my endo in April and already have a listed of questions for her and plans to contact my new rep to ask some questions that I'm sure my endo won't be able to answer. :)
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