Until about 2 years ago, I had never even heard of the wonder that is Nutella. A friend of mine who travels frequently had discovered it years ago and introduced me. I loved it. I didn't keep it around because it is so hard to find in a small town in the south where most people have never heard of it.
But I have several fellow D-OC members who love Nutella. And one of them (hi, Elizabeth!) was kind enough to send us all a link on Twitter the other day. Amazon was having a sale. Five jars of Nutella for $15. Um, yes please.
Of course I bought it. And my package came yesterday.
So, now that I have five jars of Nutella, I have something to say.

HAHAHA! Oh Nutella, the bane of my existence!!!
Pre-pump I would always have middle of the night lows so I would have a couple spoonfuls of Nutella before bed as its got a good combo of sugar and fat to sustain my BG. I haven't had it in my house since I started pumping for a reason. But now I REALLY want some after reading your post and viewing that delicious picture! Thanks
Ha. Great post. I need to get some Nutella. :-)
Scully, I'm not sure if that's a good thanks or a sarcastic thanks. LOL :) Go get some. :P I'll be your Nutella pusher. LOL
Crystal, you too!
It's really good on strawberries! (If you haven't tried that already.) =)
I've just had it on HobNobs...soooo good!!
Mmmmmm, Nutella!!!! When you finish your five jars, let me know. I can get BIG jars at our local B.J.s (which in one of those warehouse clubs, if you don't have then in TN) and would be happy to send you some. :)
Seriously, I didn't know you liked Nutella. My mom loved it. We have it here at our local store. I rememeber facing it on the shelves when I worked there. It used to make me cry b/c I would think of her.
Jami, I just discovered it not long ago. Didn't know what it was when we first met. :) Nutella is the devil. LOL
Apples with melted peanut butter and Nutella (don't melt the Nutella, just the PB).
You're welcome!
If you can handle it, there's a boutique where you send in a form and get free Nutella stuff http://www.nutellausa.com/boutique.htm
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