Thursday, June 10, 2010

Carb Free?

So "carb free" is a phrase we hear tossed around alot. Also "Low-Carb." But truth be know, most of us eat too many carbs.

My weakness: Sweets. I have a sweet tooth. I'll admit it. It drives me crazy sometimes. But I love sweets.

I know several of my fellow friends with diabetes also like sweets. A lot.

A favorite that seems to resonate within the D-OC are cupcakes. There are so many of us who seem to have bonded over our love of cupcakes. Allison even posted earlier today of her love for cupcakes in her "Things That Make Me Happy" post.

Well, guys and gals, I've found what we've all been waiting for....

Carb Free Cupcakes!!!!!!

Yup. Carb-free. Aren't they cute? These little creations are cupcake shaped crayons made by Gaddy Nipper Crayons. When I saw them, I knew I had to buy some right away. So I did. I sent some out as surprises, but I have 1 box left.

And I'm gonna share them with you! So here's the deal, leave me a comment and you'll automatically be entered to win these adorable carb-free cupcakes. I'm leaving the contest open until Friday, June 18th. At that time, I'll randomly pick a winner. (No worries, I'll use the whole names in a hat method.)


Brenda W said...

If only I could EAT THEM!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cupcakes are all the rage... And here's a sneak-peak: I have a cupcake story coming up soon! So uper-excited! Anyhow, good cupcaky coloring fun there!

Erica said...

I'm with Brenda, I want to eat them too.

Lee Ann Thill said...

Well, if I don't win them, I'll probably need to buy some because I can't really envision a more appropriate item to offer diabetic clients in art therapy ;)

Cara said...

LeeAnn, I think they have sets of 4 too. Check out her page! It's pretty awesome. :)

Virtue said...

When I was a kid, I ate wax teeth 'cause I thought they were candy. They weren't so good. The cupcakes you posted look awesome, but I think I'll stick to colouring with them!

meanderings said...

Can you put Lee Ann's name on my entry?
I don't color much anymore...

Becca / SingleWhiteDiabetic said...

SOOooo cute!

Tracy S said...

My T1 5 year old would LOVE these...super cute!

Becky said...

Oh my goodness....those are AMAZING!

Mike Durbin said...

Those are Awesome! The perfect way to combine artistic medium with everyone's favorite treat.

HVS said...

Very cute!

FatCatAnna said...

Do you mean that we don't have to bolus for them? Awesome! The fact that they look so real is amazing. I have a pencil sharpener that "looks" like a piece of decadent cake - will have to post that in Twit Pic - it makes me drool when I see it - but alas it's not real.

Hmmm, wonder if I should melt some of my Crayola's down to make a cupcake? Nah, too many fav colours (I know - I'm an adult - why do I have crayons .... because I CAN - and I love to doodle).

Toodles from FatCatAnna \\^^//

Pam said...

Love them... and my daughter would too!

Heidi =) said...

I absolutely love these! My daughter was just dx with T1 3 months ago. What a special treat these would be!

Kaitake said...

Ooooh so shiny and tasty looking! I remember eating crayons as a kid. Not bad. Red was the best. :P

p.s. Don't enter me in the draw, cos I'm all the way over in New Zealand and the shipping would just not be worth it, but I wanted to let you know how delighted I was to find your blog! (via diabetesaliciousness) :D

Lani said...

Those are great! They look super cute in the box.

Rachel said...

I would love these :)

Katie said...

My daughter, A Bear, who has Type 1 diabetes would love these!

pancreasonmybelt said...

OH MY GOODNESS! What I wouldn't give to have a box of these on my desk at work. It would be like, I could gaze longingly at them when my colleagues bring in the sugary cakey goodness and then try and force one on me D:

They look good enough to eat!!!

Anonymous said...

Dude. It would be so crazy awesome. I thought they were real at first, but now all I can think about is EATING THEM. I gots a fantasy happening here with this cupcake and a big glass of milk. YUM!!!! But...I'm sure they'd be nice to look at anyway *sadness sighs*... HA HA.

Tracy1918 said...

Hi! I found your blog thru son sure would love them!!

Heather said...

OH, they look SO good! My daughter would LOVE them. I'll admit, so would I!

Brooke said...

Love love love the cupcakes...and anything else carb free! Found your blog through Karen! Can't wait to read what you have to say!

a visual tinkle said...

don't remember which d-blog I wondered in from (though Ive been diabetic awhile I'm just discovering the beautiful world of the on-line diabetic community) but those cupcakes are wonderful!

Wendy said...

WOW!!!! My girls would have a blast with those :)

Please enter us!

NeedANap2 said...

My 4 kids would LOVE these. Only my oldest, 9, has T1. :)