Thursday, May 31, 2007
Public Awareness

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
A New Site!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
A Scary Moment

Sunday, May 13, 2007
Unexpected Road Trips....

Thursday, May 10, 2007
I love my friends.

Here's the diabetes related part:
The tall one is my friend from DC. Her brother is a diabetic and also on a MiniMed pump. He was one of the first people I ever met that had a pump and that really helped me to get over my fear of "being attached" to something. She is always understanding and never complains if I say I have to eat or I'm low.
The other girl is also a friend from college. Her dad is a Type 2 diabetic but takes shots, along with some other meds. She understands and is always looking out for me. Sometimes she can even tell if my blood sugar is too high or low before I can. She's just another friend who doesn't judge, cares, and doesn't push me.
It's nice to have friends who can understand diabetes. They may not understand what it is like to have the disease, or to have to deal with it 24/7, but they understand because they have seen their loved ones deal with it. I don't have to explain everything diabetic to them. I don't have to give them Diabetic 101. They just understand. And that is nice.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Midnight & 3 AM
I remember my phone going off at midnight. And I thought I remembered checking my blood sugar. But my alarm clock went off this morning and I remembered that I hadn't heard the phone go off at 3 am. Weird. Then I looked at my glucometer and it showed I hadn't had a test since bedtime last night...guess I dreamed that midnight test.
As for the phone alarm that didn't go off at 3 am. Well, it looks like I turned my phone off in my sleep. Figures. We'll just have to try this again some other night.
At times like this I think I should have a roommate. To basically be sure I don't die during the night. But I have lived alone for so long I don't know if I could handle another roomie. And I always have friends who check on me. I also have a colleague at work who's husband is a Type 1 diabetic. She knows if I don't show up to work and I don't call that someone needs to check on me. I suppose that just my safety net.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I want this bag. I am a bag and purse junkie. I love purses and suitcases and bags of all kinds. I have too many in my closet at this time. I have about a million under my bed. I have learned to nest my bags so that they take up less space in my already small apartment.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Happy Pump Day!