Sunday, November 18, 2007

Weekend of Shopping

I went shopping on Saturday in Knoxville, which is about an hour and a half from where I live. I went with a dear friend of mine, whom I will call D, who is a Type 2 diabetic. We were friend before her diagnosis, but since then, there are things that I can discuss with her that we couldn't talk about before. It brings to light different things in our friendship. Even though I am Type 1 & she is Type 2, there is still an underlying connection there. We can discuss A1c's, blood sugar levels, and what different foods do to our BG levels. It's nice to have that connection with another person.

I have that connection on a regular basis with those of you in the OC, but I have to say, a real, flesh and bone human that I can talk with face-to-face is also really nice.

In some ways I am jealous of those of you who have gotten to meet each other. I want to do that someday.

D & I went to a health food store in Knoxville, called Earth Fare. I live in a really, really small town, so I don't get the chance to shop at places like that very often. I bought several things, but I have to say I walked out of the store with one bag that ended up costing $36. That's sad. So in a way, I guess it's a good thing that I live in a very small town. Otherwise I would be broke from grocery shopping.... oh wait, I am already broke from grocery shopping, so I guess I would just be in the poor house all the way around then. :)

We also went to a mall, Best Buy (I love the Best Buy!), and another little shop. I spent way too much money, but got several people's Christmas presents out of the way, so I guess it was a good thing in a way.

The best part of my day, however, was lunch. D's birthday was on the 14th (WDD!) and I took her out for lunch as my present to her. That is kind of our present to each other on our birthday's. We went to P.F. Chang's China Bistro. I know there is one in Nashville and one in Maryland, so I am pretty sure it is a large chain. I have been there several times and absolutely LOVE it! I can't remember what D ordered (although I can tell you it was good). But I got Ginger Chicken and Broccoli. I have to say, it was one of the best things I have ever gotten off their menu. The food is always fabulous, but Ginger Chicken made it to the top of my order list. I highly recommend that you try it if you get the chance. It's a little pricey, but more than worth it. The also offer you the choice of white & brown rice with your meal, so you can eat healthier if you choose. (I was a bad diabetic: I had white rice.)

On a side note, I just looked up P.F. Chang's on the internet and they have their entire menu listed on the website with nutritional values! If I'd known that, I would have had an easier time with my carb counting.... I'll have to remember that for my next visit.

Overall, I had a good day. Decent blood sugars all day long and lots of fun that was non-diabetes related.

On another note: My niece has been back in the hospital for fluid around her heart. I am pretty sure, though not positive because I haven't talked to them in a couple of days, that she got out of the hospital today. The put her in on Thursday and they had to drain the fluid and she was in ICU for a while. So, once again, please keep her and my family in your prayers. This cancer is not being a nice thing. But she is a strong person and has a good attitude and we believe she can beat this thing!


Paige said...

Thinking and praying for your niece, Cara.

By the way, maybe we can get together and meet one day...we aren't too far away from you...and we have a P.F. Chang's here!

Anonymous said...

P.F. Changs is good eats. We have one at a mall a couple blocks from my apartment in Milwaukee. It's funny how different the Chinese food is in China and Taiwan. Still good, just in a different way.

I'm glad you have a real flesh and bones connection with another diabetic. I think that is important. I am glad I have my twin sister also type 1. What a blessing.

I really want to meet you face-to-face someday, and I think I will make it happen! Now, I just need to get back to the States. Soon...
Anyway, thanks for being my "OC" friend.

Cara said...

Paige, I didn't know there was a P.F. Chang's down there, but I don't get your way often. We will have to get together sometime. The you can see how crazy 22 years of diabetes can make you! LOL :)

Amylia, I love the P.F. Chang's, but I have to say that I would love to try the REAL Chinese food. It would have to be different than the food here. My problem would be eating with the chop sticks...

Vivian said...

We will be praying for your neice as well. I am glad you had a nice day with your friend.
Yum, yum, bring on the Chinese food. =)

Anonymous said...

We will continue keeping you and your neice in our prayers.

Thanks for the P.F. Chang info link. We have one near us and love it! Next time, I'll review the nutritional data first.

Donna said...

I'm glad you had a nice day shopping & visiting - even if you did end up spending some money. It's good that you got some Christmas shopping out of the way already. After this Friday, the malls will be even crazier than usual!

P.S. I love Best Buy, too. But I do a lot of shopping from there online. They have pretty reasonable shipping rates, plus you can always search for & find what you want on their website. We love movies & CDs in our household. So I'm on Best Buy's website alot. Love it.

Anonymous said...

I loved this post! I used to go shopping in Knoxville!

I'm so sorry to hear about your niece, though, and will be sending up good thoughts for her.

Anonymous said...

I tagged you :)

Check my blog.