And along the lines of birthdays, we usually have cake.
This isn't my birthday cake, but it was one I made recently for the child of a friend. He's 7 and is obsessed with the Civil War. And military of any kind actually. He will sit an explain things to you that I didn't even know kids that age could know. But he does. And he's adorable.
When I heard one of his birthday presents was a Union soldier uniform, I knew what I wanted to make him for his birthday: the hat.
It was my first real attempt at carving a cake. The carving part turned out not to be so hard, as you can see below.....
But the part where I cover it in fondant? Well, that left a little to be desired. I still haven't gotten down the whole covering a cake in fondant thing...
I saw every mistake, like I always do. But I have to say I was pretty proud of it considering it was a first attempt. And the birthday boy loved it, so that's all that matters. :)
Oh, and at the last minute, he told his mom that his classmates needed some of "Cara-Bell's" cupcakes (this is his mom's nick-name for me). So I threw together a couple dozen cuppies with icing that matched the hat and some colorful sprinkles.

Happy Birthday to my twin!!! ;)
What do you mean you haven't gotten the fondant thing down? What do you mean you see mistkes??? Cara, that cake is PERFECT! You are so talented!
HAPPY Birthday CARA!!!
And that cake looks amazing. I was just over at Cakecentral last night trying to figure out if its something I can do.
That cake looked amazing, you are so talented!!!
Happy birthday to you both! Awesome cake!
I will hire you!!! So talented!
It is sooo cute - I'm sure he loved it but I'm glad you got a photo before the boys dived into it!
Hope you've had a wonderful birthday day!
The cake and cupcakes look perfect! Not a single flaw from where I am looking!
Happy Birthday, Cara!! I hope it was a good one! That cake looks AMAZING- you're awesome!
Happy birthday! I do not see anything wrong with the cake or cupcakes. You do such a great job!
Happy belated birthday!
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