Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Holiday Caking
Monday, December 28, 2009
I'm hoping that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. My Christmas was different this year. I spent the normal Christmas Eve with my dad and his family. We had a great meal, thanks to my wonderful sister-in-law. Things have been different with holidays in general this year because we lost my grandmother in May. But Christmas turned out good in spite of that. Christmas day, however, was a different story. Early in the week of Christmas, my little sister got sick. Within a couple of days, my mom and step-dad were also sick. Official diagnosis: FLU!
Thankfully, I hadn't been around them in a few days, so I had not been exposed. But I have not had my flu shot and had no desire to risk the flu. So, all of their Christmas presents still sit under my tree. And we are waiting, probably until this weekend, to exchange gifts.
But, I have wonderful friends who stepped right in. I had Christmas dinner at the home of one of my oldest friends (we met the first day of kindergarten!) with her husband, son, and both sets of parents. It was very nice and very wonderful. They are like my substitute family anyway, so it wasn't great to be able to see them on Christmas Day.
I also went with another friend of mine to see The Blind Side Christmas night. Personal recommendation from me: SEE IT! Fantastic family movie.
Now, back to the date. I picked up my medical records on my way to my endo appointment. At first glance the date says 6/15. June. Exactly when I thought. Not really paying attention to anything else, I was feeling kind of happy that I knew the date. Then I took the time to look at the doctor's name. It wasn't my childhood endo. Which made me start reading a little closer. These records were dated 06-15-86. A year after I originally thought my date was. And then on the final diagnosis, I realized it was the records from my tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Which I remember vividly as being AFTER I was diagnosed with diabetes. Mostly cause the Popsicles I got after the surgery were of the sugar free variety.
I started reading my records closer. On the second page it states "This patient is a 5 year old white female who has been a known diabetic for the past 4 months."
The past 4 months.
Four months from June is February, 1986. Nearly a year after when I thought my diagnosis date was. Apparently I was closer to 5 than 4. At first I thought the actual date wasn't on the papers. But in the upper corner of the first page there is a box that had been filled in that listed "prev adm date 2/05/86" and "prev dis date 2/13/86". I know that 2/5/86 is my diagnosis date. I was in the hospital for a week, according to my mother, and since the note that say "known diabetic for the past 4 months" narrows it down to February, that leaves 2/5/86 as my diagnosis date.
On one hand, I can't apply for my Joslin medal until next year. On the other, I have 8 months LESS diabetic damage and wear and tear on my body. I'll take the good over the bad any day.
Also, a few funny notes on my medical records:
"The patient was scheduled for T&A until the diabetes was found, and it was cancelled until this could be brought under control."
Urinalysis: 2+ (this might not mean anything to you newer diabetics, but us old schoolers know that's BAD!)
Hemaglobin 12.6 (Ekkkkk!!!!! This is what they considered "brought under control"????)
"The patient takes 17 units of NPH Insulin in the morning" (Wow. That's it.)
So, now you guys know my crazy story. I know my date. And I fully plan on throwing myself a diaversary party! :) Anyone wanna come?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Date

Sunday, December 13, 2009
My First Music Monday

I didn't jump on the Sugarland band wagon right away. Their debut CD had been out for a while before I bought it, at my friend's suggestion. I fell in love with Jennifer Nettles' vocals from day one. In my opinion, she has one of the most distinctive voices in music.
In October of 2006, I was lucky enough to win tickets to their sophomore album CD release party in Nashville. I stood feet from the stage. If I wasn't hooked before then, the live show did me in.
In March of 2007, I was able, thanks to a friend of mine, to see them in concert again.
I've seen a lot of concerts in my life. Not all of them country. But I have to say, Sugarland is one I'd pay full price to see EVERY TIME I HAD A CHANCE. They are just that good live.
And they have such an eclectic sound. Some of their music is totally country, other times you hear pop or folk.
On their live album, they even covered songs by bands like Kings of Leon (I'd never even HEARD of them until Sugarland covered Sex on Fire, now they are one of my current favorite bands), R.E.M., and Beyonce.
Most recently, however, they have a new Christmas CD. I've not purchased it yet (shame on me! I'm such a bad fan.), but have listened to it on the internet. I love it. They even performed one of their songs at the Grammy nomination concert. And were kind enough to post it on their website, so I could share it with all of you.
Let me say just one thing, if you say you don't like country music, I encourage you to give Sugarland a try.
p.s. If you get a chance to see them in concert, TAKE IT!
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Dear Spammers:

Sunday, November 15, 2009
A Diary Entry
I've met a few of you. But I feel like I know almost all of you. I consider you my friends.
I've not been as faithful in my blogging of late, but facebook and twitter have kept me in touch with most of you on some level.
I've missed D-blogger day. I missed World Diabetes Day. And I'm not participating in NaBloPoMo this month. But I still wanted to share with you all how much of a difference you've made in my life. Today I was digging for an empty blank book to jot down some ideas I had. I found a partially filled one and started to read. Although my thoughts are mostly private, I wanted to share with the D-OC parts of an entry I made on October 17th, 2006.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Waiting on Direction

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Let me start out by saying that this is another non-diabetic related post. Then let me continue by saying that I am a total nut. Most of you have already figured that out, but for those of you who haven't, you have been warned.
From some of my previous posts, you guys should know by now that I am a music nut and a theater nut.
And Fox Network has totally created the perfect show for me. Several months ago, Fox aired a pilot episode of Glee. When they aired it, I watched and LOVED it. I also stated to a friend of mine that it probably wouldn't last a season. Not because I didn't love the show, but because I didn't think that other people (we'll call them "normal" for the sake of this blog post) would appreciate the wonder that is Glee.
Apparently I was wrong. Glee has been a huge hit for Fox. I love it for all the reasons that most of the "normal" people do: Great music, cool dancing, and cheesy "Election" type filming.
And then I have my own reason: the cast of Broadway stars.
First off is Lea Michele, who plays Rachel on the show. Rachel is the "leader" of glee club and the star of glee as well. Lea Michele also originated the lead role of Wendla in the Tony Award Winning Spring Awakening (to which I have the soundtrack memorized...but have never been lucky enough to see).
Next, Matthew Morrison, who plays Will Schuester, their teacher, and advisor for glee club. Matthew Morrison originated the roll of Link Larkin in Hairspray on Broadway. Remember that little roll played by Zach Efron in the movie? Same roll. I say "Zach who?". I also have that soundtrack only got to see a local theater group perform the show this summer. No Broadway.
Also, Jenna Ushkowitz, who play Tina, another glee club member, was in Spring Awakening with Lea Michele for a while, although I do not believe she was in the original cast.
Then, two weeks ago, in an episode of Glee, there was a guest role. April was a former classmate of Mr. Schuester. April was played by Kristin Chenoweth. Kristin was in You're A Good Man Charlie Brown, when I saw it on Broadway in 1999. She won a Tony for that role. She then originated the role of Galinda/Glinda in Wicked. You guys have seen me post about Wicked. :)
So, as you can tell, it feeds into my addiction of Broadway....I'm just glad other people seem to like it. :) It means I might get to keep watching it for a while.
So, watch Glee tonight! I'll be at church. But tomorrow night is when I Hulu it. Oh, and I'll be buying the first season on DVD.
Below I am posting a video of one of the songs they did last week on Glee. It's not the best quality. But if you watch it, you'll get the idea of the show.
By the way, you can follow Glee on Twitter and Facebook.
P.S. Are any of you enjoying Glee as much as I am??
Thursday, October 1, 2009
NDD-My Non-Diabetic Day Post
Being from Tennessee, I have a great love for country music. But my love of music is not confined to one type of music. I often joke I have the most spastic playlist ever. I tend to go through phases.
For a while, I was on an 80's rock band kick. I started buying greatest hits albums from the 80's and the late 70's.
I've gone through a cabaret-type of phase, listening to Harry Connick, Jr, and Frank Sinatra, and anything by Gershwin.
I've also gone through (and to some degree am still going through) my Broadway phase.
But I like all kinds of music. I listen to alternative, country, rock, teeny-bopper, Broadway, easy-listening, praise, contemporary Christian, and nearly anything else you can think of.
Today, in fact, I got a Veggie Tales' song stuck in my head. :) Does anyone know the Cheeseburger Song??? :)
I've always said, if I had talent, I would have done something with music. I wake up with a song in my head. People can say a word or a phrase and a song that goes with it will pop into my head.
And I can always find a song for every situation. Every time of my life, every event, has a soundtrack of sorts in my head. I have a playlist to fit almost every mood. And music can fit a mood, an expression, an idea or a moment in ways that nothing else can.
So, while you watch the lovely Cheeseburger Song music video (oh, you know you want to!), think about what types of music you like, or how music has shaped you or effected you. And then comment! :)
Hope everyone has a lovely NDD post.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Visiting the Past, Looking Toward the Future.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
The Search...The First Move
Here are some pictures I took last weekend. There is this old field that is full of classic cars. None of them work. But the person who owns them refuses to sell them. They've been there my entire life (and probably about longer). But, I have a love of classic cars and thought these would be some cool pictures. Enjoy. :)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Search....
Friday, July 31, 2009
My Obsession
And where is the best place in the world to experience theater: Broadway.
As a child, my mom used to sing me to sleep many times. Most of the songs she sang to me were from musicals. In among the "Rock-a-Bye Baby" were songs like "I Feel Pretty", "Do-Re-Mi", and "My Favorite Things".
In high school, I took drama, which consisted of performing in a couple of really lame plays. But it was so much fun for me. I never had to audition for the plays in high school, so when it came time to go to college, I could never muster up the courage to try out for any plays on my own.
But, I had been bitten by the bug.
On my senior trip in high school, my class went to Washington, D.C., Hershey, PA, and NYC. While we were in New York, we got to see a Broadway show. You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. I don't remember a lot about that show. But I do remember running into Charlie on the street after the show. I was too shocked to speak to him and he was on a cell phone at the time. But I had no idea who he was, really. In reality, he was Anthony Rapp. Original Broadway Cast member of Rent.
As I look back on it now, I also realize that Kristin Chenoweth was in that show. Kristin won a Tony for her role. And later went on to originate the role of Galinda/Glinda in Wicked.
And B.D. Wong was also in the show. He now has a recurring role on Law & Order: SVU, which is a favorite show of mine.
That show made me want to go back to NYC. It would be 6 years before I made it back to New York. In 2005, I was able to go back to New York. The play I chose to see was Steel Magnolias (all my diabetic readers...wait, that's ALL my readers. Don't hate me. I love the movie.). My mother hates the movie. She says it morbid. I am inclined to agree that the movie is morbid. But I've aways loved it. And I wanted to see it on Broadway. Delta Burke, Christine Ebersole, and Rebecca Gayheart were some of the talents that I was able to see in that show.
Again in 2007, I went to New York. This time I saw Mary Poppins. In fact, the picture on my profile was taken after the show when my friend and I went to dinner. (side note: my blood sugar was over 400. I had MAJORLY overcorrected a low right before the show)
Then, just this past May, I returned. I was able to see two plays on this trip. Next to Normal (thanks a million times over to Allison, who went with me!), and The Little Mermaid (that I went to see w/ my traveling buddy, Amanda).
Next to Normal was a fantastic show. I'm putting a clip of one of my favorite songs/scenes in the show if you guys would like to watch it. Alice Ripley won a Tony for her role in this show. It's a truly moving show about the effect of a mother's bi-polar disorder on her family.
That same vacation I also saw Rent on tour in Washington, D.C. This show had two original cast members, Anthony Rapp (who I saw in You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown 10 years ago!) and Adam Pascal. This is the last tour for Rent and it closed on Broadway last September. I felt blessed to get to go to this show. (oh, another side note: the director of Rent is the same director of Next to Normal.)
At this point the ball is rolling wide open.
1st play = 1999
2nd = 2005
3rd = 2007
4th, 5th, and 6th = May of 2009
When I got back home in May, tickets for Wicked: The Musical were going on sale for the September tour stop in Nashville. I, of course, bought them (only 48 more days!!!!).
But, before September could get here, Legally Blonde: The Musical made a stop in Nashville. I had no plans to go see this one, but Laura Bell Bundy, who originated the role of Elle on Broadway, stepped in to reprise her role for the week. She is currently living in Nashville, recording a country album (HOW COOL!). When I found out that she would be stepping in, I got tickets as soon as I could. My seats were crap, but it was opening night and very fun. As I put it in a Tweet, it was 2 hours of pink, sparkly goodness. Oh, and Laura Bell also originated the role of Amber VonTussle in Hairspray, which I would have loved to have seen on Broadway, but never got the chance.
7th show = June 2009
8th show = (projected, of course) September 2009.
So, as you can see, it official. I am obsessed. None of my friends really understand it. And that's okay. I just have to find a willing soul to drag along with me. :)
My perfect life: winning the lotto (oh wait, I don't play) and buying a place in NYC where I could just watch plays all the time.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
A Cool Encounter

Monday, July 27, 2009
Telemarketers....they are too good.
Ninety -nine percent of the time I'm just not interested in whatever it is they are trying to sell.
But, tonight they got me.

My membership to ADA and to JDRF were some of those things.
(Please don't stone me for it!)
But, the lady was just so nice. And I fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. And I'm a proud member of ADA for another 2 years.
Oh, and she also made a comment about my accent. LOL
Those of you that have met I really that hard to understand??
Sunday, July 26, 2009
A Promised Post
However, (thanks to Twitter) Karen from over at Bitter-Sweet Diabetes were taking about our lack of posting (though she's been way more faithful than me) and challenged each other to post this weekend. She posted Friday, and I am posting today. Right under the wire, but I did it Karen! :)
So, without further ado, here are some of my cakes:
Beach themed cupcakes. Little beach towels and sunglasses and cute little paper umbrellas. Since I didn't get to take a trip to the beach this year, I made up for it w/ this.
These to were for the dedication of a Catholic Church in my town. For years, they had met in the basement of a Presbyterian church and they finally got their own building earlier this year. So it was pretty special. However, these cakes were HUGE! And my lovely friend "D" helped me out. My original plan was to make a 3-D church out of Royal icing (which dried hard). It started well. But the latter part of the week, it got really humid here in Tennessee and the last pieces never did dry correctly. They just broke to pieces. Thankfully "D" occasionally does cake stuff too, and helped me out by making the Bible, the cross, and the lilies. I just put the bookmark on the Bible, put the lilies together, and put the cloth on the cross. She totally saved me. Love you "D"!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I'm back......
However, since my last trip to New York a few years ago (before I was blogging), I now KNOW people in the area. :) My lovely fellow bloggers, who make my life so wonderful! Several weeks before I was heading to NYC, I sent out a message to several people that live in the area, or close enough that they can get there pretty easily. Allison jumped right on the chance to have a meet-up. She, in fact, orchastrated the whole thing! Thanks so much Allison! She invited several fellow bloggers, some people who used to blog, and some fellow Twitter-ers (is that a word???).
Erik and Allison
All of the people at the D-OC meet-up
Then, in passing conversation with Amylia, I joked that she should come to NY too! And guess what... she did! She had wanted to take a vacation anyway (it was around her birthday) and had friends in the area, so she was able to attend as well. Lee Ann came also. There were about 14 people there and it was a truly wonderful experience. I feel blessed to have met so many other diabetics, but also, so many fellow bloggers.Amylia and I
Also while I was in New York, Allison and I went to see a Broadway show. One day, I will post about my obsession with the theater. But if I started this now, I'd never get to work on time. :) We saw a show called Next to Normal. It is about a family where the mother deals with mental illness. I have to say it was one of the most emotional shows I have ever seen. The talent in the show is incredible. And to prove it, the show is up for 11 Tonys. Allison, you ROCK for going with me. :) Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Then, after the meet-up on Sunday, my friend and I went to see The Little Mermaid. :) That was a whole bunch of glittery, skating, goodness.
Robert Creighton and I (played Chef Louis)
While I was back in D.C., I got to attend a baseball game and see the play Rent, which I am thoroughly obsessed with. Rent is one of my favorite shows of all time. It closed on Broadway last September, but the tour was in D.C. and the show I saw was on my birthday! It also had two of the cast members who were in the original Broadway cast in 1996, Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp. It was very cool to see live.

Heidi and I
My trip home was somewhat uneventful, but I couldn't help but wish I was staying. I have so many friends that I never had before. It made me wonder if I could move. But being back home makes me glad I'm here too! Instead, I am going to do my best to make a trip at least once a year with a goal of meeting other bloggers and friends every time I go. If any of you are ever in Tennessee, let me know!So, now, I am going to close out this post with a promise to get back on track with my blogging. I am going to set myself a goal of posting once a week for at least a month. Those of you who follow me on facebook or twitter....remind me! :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Thanks and V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N
Funerals are hard. Everyone knows that. But my family and I were blessed in a lot of ways as well. Churches contributed food, stopped by the funeral home, and called to check on us. I was able to spend time with some of my cousins, one of whom I hadn't seen in 12 years. And, I was reminded how much people really care.
One thing I know for sure....funerals are for the living. They help with closure. They help with support during a difficult time.
A small funny from the funeral: for as long as I can remember, my grandmother has been terrified of storms. She would faithfully go to the local storm shelter every time it was open, until she was no longer well enough to take herself. Tornadoes terrified her. Ironically, the funeral home is across the street from the tornado siren tower here in town. And it was stormy the day of the funeral. Right in the middle of the service, the sirens went off.
And for once, my grandmother had no need or reason to be scared.
Onto happier topics. I am leaving tomorrow at noon to head to the DC area and then to NYC over the weekend. I am very much looking forward to spending time with friends and am going to have the wonderful chance to meet with some fellow bloggers in both areas. Allison was kind enough to organize a get together and she and I are going to go see Next to Normal while I'm there. I'm so excited I want to jump around like a 4 year old. :)
There are going to be a host of other bloggers there. I will be giving a full report when I get back home. :) Expect several different posts.
I will also be attending an Orioles game, seeing Rent in D.C. on my birthday, and hanging out with one of my best friends and my godson (who I think is the cutest baby on the planet).
And, being the last person on the planet without an iPhone, I will not have internet access for 7 days. If I do, it will be bumming from someone's computer. :)
I will be getting back into Tennessee late on the 27th. Expect any comment moderation to be done after that. And, expect lots and lots of pictures. :)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Just a quick update....
I'll do my best to check in when I can.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Life and Death
Thursday, May 7, 2009
May Showers??
Diabetes has been doing a pretty good job of behaving itself lately. It makes it take somewhat of a backseat. It's easy to "forget" how much diabetes is a part of your life when it's behaving somewhat. But, it makes me happy to know that I can go through the motions without having so much stress, even if it is only for a little while.
Right now, my stress is focusing on work and trying to get everything caught up and done as much ahead as possible, since I'm leaving for a vacation in two weeks. Not easy, but I've been working hard and I'm hoping everything falls into place.
Wish me luck!
And, here's a picture of the cake I did over the weekend. It was very colorful and I even did some tie-dyed icing for border. It was my first attempt at this method and I thought it turned out pretty well.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
April Showers....
I am currently working hard to get my health under control. I'm working with and the wonderful team they put together for me. I feel like I've not given it my 100%, but I am working harder than I ever have before. All of my coaches have been so helpful and I've already noticed a change in my eating habits and my willingness to exercise. These are both things I needed to work on.
I've also been a busy little bee on Twitter and Facebook. Facebook is very new to me right now, and I've not been tweeting much longer than I've been on Facebook. There are so many of you in the D community on my Twitter and Facebook pages that I chat all day long about D and my life. So it's almost like I don't have anything to post about here.
I didn't, however, want to let April roll into May without at least one more post. Below is my latest creation (Twitter followers and Facebook friends have probably already seen this!). I do'nt watch StarWars, but I'm told this is a Stormtrooper. :) It was for a 6 year old who LOVES his Stormtroopers.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
iPod Challenge
However, it doesn't escape me that we don't really know each other in some small, silly, trivial ways. And sometimes I feel like I want to get to know you guys even more. So I came up with a challenge for you.
While I was at work this afternoon, I was listening to my mp3 player. I set it on random so I could get a little bit of everything I like. And then I had to laugh at myself for the complete randomness of my music. So I started writing down what I was hearing. Anytime a song would change, I'd jot it down. After 24 songs, it was time for me to go home. And time to post my list on my blog.
I believe that you can really get a feel for a person by the types of music they listen to. So below is my list. And I challenge all of you bloggers to compose a list of your own and post it. And let me know you've done it so I can get to know you too!
1) Here I Go Again -- Whitesnake
2) Will I? -- from Rent OBC Recording (Original Broadway Cast)
3) Big Love -- Feetwood Mac
4) New Way Home -- K.T. Oslin
5) Anything But Mine -- Kenny Chesney
6) Help Me Understand -- Trace Adkins
7) It's All Good -- Montgomery Gentry
8) I Just Can't Live a Lie -- Carrie Underwood
9) It Must Have Been Love --Roxette
10) One Night at a Time -- George Strait
11) Breathe -- Taylor Swift
12) She Likes To Get Out of Town -- Brooks & Dunn
13) Photograph -- Nickelback
14) I Wanna Die -- Miranda Lambert
15) Bless Me Indeed -- Mercy Me
16) Bloody Mary -- South Pacific recorded live at Carnegie Hall
17) Single White Female -- Chely Wright
18) Already Gone -- Sugarland
19) Something to Believe In -- Bon Jovi
20) Self Made Man -- Montgomery Gentry
21) Easy Money-- Brad Paisley
22) The Dream is Still Alive -- Wilson Phillips
23) Not the Only One -- Bonnie Raitt
24) Time Well Wasted -- Brad Paisley
So, as you can see, there's a LOT of country, some 80s rock, Broadway musicals, rock, and pop. I tend to be a very mixed person, just like my mp3 player.
So, D-OC..... your turn.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Crazy weekend....birthdays galore!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
He is not here for He has risen as He said. Matthew 28:6a
I pray you all had a blessed and wonderful Easter.
I have not been blogging of late, but I intend on blogging more often. It's just going to be in a more general sense. Sometime it will be about diabetes. Other times, it may be about church. Or life. Or whatever my current situation is.
Basically, I'm running out of stuff to write about. Diabetes is 24 hours a day, but it's not always the most important thing going on in my life. So don't be surprised if you get some completely random posts.
Currently, I am adding pictures of a cake I did recently for my grandmother's birthday. She liked it. I was pretty proud of it myself. And I hope you guys enjoy it.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
We were beeping and booping all over the place. So funny. And so normal for us.
After leaving the group, I decided to go shopping for my sister's birthday present. She is turning 13 this month, and I had an idea of what I wanted to get for her. I am not terribly familiar with Nashville, though I can get around if need be. I was coming into the mall backwards from the way I normally come. As I was getting ready to get on the exit, I was double checking signs when I should have been looking in front of me and I didn't hit my breaks in time. Basically, I rear-ended a guy. :( His car had very little damage and neither of us was hurt.
My car, however, bit the dust. It was toast.
So, in addition to feeling like a total looser, being two hours from home, and having caused an accident....I was without a car.
Paid off car = bye, bye.
Car payment = hello.
On the plus side, the guy I hit was super nice and very calm about the whole thing. I was so thankful for that, since I was such a mess.
Also, the new car I got is much nicer and is built much better than my old car.
So, other than an increase in insurance premiums (which I'm sure will come soon), and a car payment (MUCH cheaper than I thought it would be), I came out pretty good.
Lesson learned: forget about it being the correct exit. Just get off. You can always get back on the highway later.
That the good and the for the ugly.
I've been fighting low blood sugars for day. Extremely low. The kind that makes you sweat, shake, and think you are going to pass out. I hate it. Because not only do I feel like I'm going to keel over at any minute, it's also a feeling that hangs around so long after the low is gone, that I am over treating myself.
Example: Last night about 5 pm, I was 78 and dropping. Drank a 15 g juice box. At 6:30, I was 68. Ate dinner. Waited 40 minutes to bolus. At 8:00, 58. Ate some food (by this time, I was out of juice boxes and had no car to drive). At 8:30 I was 47. Called my mom to come bring me juice. And a car. Drank somewhere around 20 ounces of juice (darn panic drinking!) due to shaky, sweaty, and fear of passing out.
By 11:30 I was 302.
This morning woke up 204. Corrected. By 8:00 I was 47. Ate breakfast and had juice. Waited to bolus. By 9:00 I was 238. Was 99 at lunch. 78 at 4:30. 66 at 6:30. Ate about 15 grams of carbs. Was 238 at 9:30.
So, as you can see, it's a constant roller coaster. And it's driving me up the wall.
Any suggestions? I have a new bottle of insulin in my pump (started this morning), so I know it's not that.
I think it might be stress. But I'm not sure.
I'm giving it 2 more days and then I'm calling the doctor.
So as you can see, it's been totally crazy in my life since Saturday. I'm hoping this weekend calms down some. Wish me luck with that!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Rickina, who founded and runs Stick Me Designs, makers of "stylish accessories for the modern diabetic", has a contest posted on her BLOG. :) The prize ROCKS! Basically, all you have to do is go on her blog and nominate yourself or someone else and she is going to pick a winner April 3rd.
The prize pack is as follows:
First here’s the Prize Pack!
**A Complete Switch Me Messenger Diabetes Bag - value $86.00
**A Stick Me Designs Deluxe Case - value $36.99
**A Bio Flip for on the go used test strip disposal - value $5.00
Total Value = over $125
If you check out her website, these seem like some really cool items to have. I don't have one yet, since the budget doesn't really afford it right now, but they are on my "to get" listed. I'm just not sure how long it will take me to get to them. :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Blessings, Inspirations, and a New Book!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Diabetes and Me
But this blogging thing is just kind of been sitting here. I find that I don't have a lot to write about. And I certainly don't want to bore you with tales of my highs and lows if I don't have some sort of a point. :)
I don't really want to say that diabetes has taken a back seat in my life, because, as we all know, it's always here. But I am focusing my creativity on some other things right now. So writing for this blog has kind of taken a back seat.
I contemplated doing a vlog, but I don't have a camera, can't really afford one, and if I did I wouldn't begin to know where to start with the whole vlog thing anyway.
I'm almost feeling at a loss when it comes to the whole blogging thing. I'm sure I could put up a new Meme a couple of times a week, but beyond that, I don't really have anything to write about.
I'm hoping you'll all be patient with me while I try to get my mind back into diabetes blogging. Until then, I'll be on Twitter and commenting on blogs when I get a chance.
You guys are fantastic!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Meme, Meme, Meme a.k.a. Meme X's 3
Three names I go by:
1. Sis or Sissy
2. Cara Belle (co-worker started calling me this and it stuck. Her 5 year old doesn't know who Cara is....but he can tell you exactly who Cara Belle is!)
3. Drama Queen. :P
Three Jobs I have had in my life
1. Teaching 2nd Grade
2. Deli worker in a grocery store
3. Working in the wearhouse of a shirt factory when I was 16.
Three Places I have lived
1. I've never lived anywhere but the state of Tennessee, although I have lived in a few places in TN. Never more than a 60 mile radius from where I live now.
Three Favorite drinks
1. Diet Pepsi
2. Unsweet Tea (with artificial sweetener. I live in the South! It'd be sweet tea if it weren't for stupid diabetes)
3. Water
Three TV Shows that I watch
1. Bones (greatest show EVER!)
2. American Idol
3. Biggest Loser
Three places I have been
1. New York City
2. Idaho (met my biological family when I was 18)
3. San Antonio
People that e-mail me regularly
1. Amanda
2. Rachel
3. My co-workers
Three of my favorite foods
1. Chinese
2. Mexican
3. Cheese. Of any kind.
Three friends I think will respond
1. I have no idea
2. I have no idea
3. Please tell me if you do.
Three Things I am looking forward to
1. A trip I'm taking in a couple of weeks.
2. A trip I'm taking in May.
3. Getting a teaching job.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Life happens.
But, I'm getting back to a better place now. In spite of the fact that I have been working long hours, I feel like things are starting to flow again. And that's nice.
I have been busy, but not so much that I can't still Tweet a little. And try to blog once in a while. And I still read blogs faithfully, even if I don't comment. But just know that when I get myself back where I need to be in regards to work and home life, I will start to blog again. :)