Living with diabetes (or caring for someone who lives with it) sure does take a lot of work, and it’s easy to be hard on ourselves if we aren’t “perfect”. But today it’s time to give ourselves some much deserved credit. Tell us about just one diabetes thing you (or your loved one) does spectacularly! Fasting blood sugar checks, oral meds sorted and ready, something always on hand to treat a low, or anything that you do for diabetes. Nothing is too big or too small to celebrate doing well!
One thing I like to think I do fairly well is travel with diabetes. Granted, I don't typically go more than two time zones, so I can't speak if I were to take off around the world, but in general, I'm pretty good at preparing for trips and taking trips that involve diabetes.
I am a super packer. Most of the time I over pack. Everything. Ask my best friend. :) Part of that comes from years of having diabetes and needing to be prepared. As a kid, it was mostly syringes and insulin and test strips. Now that I'm an adult and on an insulin pump and (most of the time) CGMS, packing is even more of an ordeal.
My typical rule of thumb is two to three times my normal pump supplies and test strips. An extra battery, my old insulin pump (in case something happens to the one I have now). Some snack foods, glucose tabs, juice boxes.
When flying, I try to get to the airport the full two hours early. NEXT time, I plan on taking the print-off from MiniMed's website showing that they don't recommend going through the full body scanners (this is after having to argue w/ TSA on my last trip).
But overall, I like to think that I'm pretty good about planning and packing for a trip with diabetes.
To see more awesome posts from today's topic for Diabetes Blog Week, click HERE!
Sounds like we're on the same wavelength! I tend to overpack the D supplies too, and dread the TSA experience. Every time I tell them that I'm wearing an insulin pump and can't go through x-ray, they're like, "Oh, no, you're fine. Those go through all the time." Like I don't know what I'm talking about!
You can never be too prepared-it's better to have too much, then too little.(it's like packing for two husband wonders why I possibly need to pack a zillion snacks/etc. on relatively short trips. I can't pack light either,but that's a good thing, when you have diabetes).
Even only two time zones is further than what I travel! It is always good to be prepared and I don't think of it as over-packing.
Cara, you have to be prepared! How else would you be able to enjoy the shows you love?
I always pack HEAVY too. A little nervous traveling with 3 type 1 boys this summer...we've never all flown together at one time. I might need to hit you up for more tips!
I wish my husband would take a lesson from you :)
Cara, I totally get this. I always pack extra, including extra insulin (what happens if I drop the vial on the floor?). Great post.
It's funny... I'm actually a pretty good D-traveler. Don't run into many problems as a result of my diabetes and do what I need to. But I tend to not travel well and do run into problems in packing and at the airport - simply because they're self-created completely aside from diabetes. Like inadvertently switching my bag with someone else's, not being able to quickly navigate the screening lines, and being late thanks to my coffee-searchers that take me to the opposite end of the airport just as I need to start boarding. (sigh). Great post, Cara!!! Sounds like I need to take some tips from you!
Thanks for posting this, Cara. I could learn a few tips from you. ;) With my anxiety, traveling with Diabetes is always a huge scary thought for me, so I always over pack, ridiculously. Go you!
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