Every so often I go get fast food for breakfast. I know, I
know. It’s not healthy. It’s not good for me. It’s not always good on my blood sugars.
BUT, I do it. And I’m guessing that you probably do as well. I live in the same
town I grew up in. I left for a while and ended up back here for a job and
haven’t been able to escape since (those of you that know me, know what I mean
by that!).

On this particular morning, I pulled around to the drive
thru window and I knew the lady who waited on me. She’s the manager of this
particular restaurant. She’s also the person who hired me when I worked there.
And most importantly, she used to baby-sit me when I was little. Not too long
after I was diagnosed with diabetes. She was in high school, I was in very
early elementary school and she lived right down the road from my house. She
would take the bus home and then walk down the street to my house and watch me
until my mom or dad got home. Or she would
come during the summer and stay with
me when my parents both worked.
It wasn’t an all the time thing, but it was enough that I remember
her very well from that time and I’ve always had a place in my heart for her,
especially after she hired me when I was young and dumb. J The great thing about
having her around that particular morning was that she started to hand me my
drink out the window (she hadn’t taken my order) and before she even let go of
it she said, “this is supposed to be diet, right?” “Yeah,” I said.
She looked over her shoulder and said to the other woman
working, “This is supposed to be diet. Is it?” Of course, it wasn’t. And then
the best thing ever happened. She said, “She’s got diabetes. This would mess
her up for the rest of the day.” And then she got me a new, DIET drink.
Now the truth is, I would have checked the drink before I
pulled away from the window. I would
have caught the mistake. But I didn’t HAVE
to. She did it for me. And cared enough to make sure it was right. So even
though I may complain about my small town sometimes (okay, a LOT of times), it
isn’t all bad. There are times it comes in down right handy when people know
everything about you.
Even though I’m sure she’ll never read this, I thought I’d
share this totally wonderful experience with you. Because I hope that there’s
someone out there looking out for you as well.
Now I'm really curious where you worked! ;)
There is really only one fast food place that I like (and would pick on my own). It's embarrassing when they recognize me, but I guess I should look on the positive side that they probably also have my order memorized.
awwww. love this. :)
Being networked in your most comfortable place is always good. Great story.
Because this story is great, I'll forgive you for not liking Diet Coke. :-)
For the record, I am a fan of Diet Dr. Pepper, too.
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