After lunch the blood sugar rebounded and hung out in the upper 100's.
With the highs and lows, I have felt a little bit "off" all day today. And a little bit anti-diabetes. Mostly I just wanted to take a break. But as we all know, there never is a break. Diabetes is always there, Every Day, Every Hour, Every Minute.

Ugh I hate mornings like this. I hope you're doing a little better now.
Ps. Rockville is quick trip around the Beltway from me. Enjoy your time in the great state o' Maryland!
:( I wish I could give you a break. I'll give you all my best wishes instead.
I wish you a better tomorrow, my friend.
Hi Cara,
Sorry you had such a nasty day. Those hovering lows are difficult to deal with. They hang around - ready to drop at a moment's notice. I hate that. I hope tomorrow is a better day. :)
Days like these are no fun. Hope you're doing better now...
Hi, I found you through Jillian's blog!
I'm sorry you were feeling low. Sometimes with my son, I can't tell if he's having a low day (emotionally) or a low day (diabetes-wise) and I make him test & test, which just makes him grumpier. Ugh.
I hope your day is better today.
Quite an accurate image there for this mood that strikes us all sometimes.
There's a rainbow around somewhere!
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