Yup. I'm back. I've been missing for way too long, but posting has just not been on my radar. After the past month, I have been so tired and busy and then tired again, that I haven't even had time to post about my fantastic vacation! What a horrible thing!
I had such a fantastic time on my trip. I visited with one of my best friends in the world, and her beautiful son, who is my godson. In fact, I got to babysit him all day while my friend went to work one of the days I was there! It was so fantastic! He's a wonderful baby and I am blessed to know him (and her!). They live in the D.C. area.
However, since my last trip to New York a few years ago (before I was blogging), I now KNOW people in the area. :) My lovely fellow bloggers, who make my life so wonderful! Several weeks before I was heading to NYC, I sent out a message to several people that live in the area, or close enough that they can get there pretty easily. Allison jumped right on the chance to have a meet-up. She, in fact, orchastrated the whole thing! Thanks so much Allison! She invited several fellow bloggers, some people who used to blog, and some fellow Twitter-ers (is that a word???).
Erik and Allison
All of the people at the D-OC meet-up
Then, in passing conversation with Amylia, I joked that she should come to NY too! And guess what... she did! She had wanted to take a vacation anyway (it was around her birthday) and had friends in the area, so she was able to attend as well. Lee Ann came also. There were about 14 people there and it was a truly wonderful experience. I feel blessed to have met so many other diabetics, but also, so many fellow bloggers.Amylia and I
Lee Ann and I at the meet-up
Also while I was in New York, Allison and I went to see a Broadway show. One day, I will post about my obsession with the theater. But if I started this now, I'd never get to work on time. :) We saw a show called Next to Normal. It is about a family where the mother deals with mental illness. I have to say it was one of the most emotional shows I have ever seen. The talent in the show is incredible. And to prove it, the show is up for 11 Tonys. Allison, you ROCK for going with me. :) Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Alice Ripley and I
Then, after the meet-up on Sunday, my friend and I went to see The Little Mermaid. :) That was a whole bunch of glittery, skating, goodness.
Robert Creighton and I (played Chef Louis)
While I was back in D.C., I got to attend a baseball game and see the play Rent, which I am thoroughly obsessed with. Rent is one of my favorite shows of all time. It closed on Broadway last September, but the tour was in D.C. and the show I saw was on my birthday! It also had two of the cast members who were in the original Broadway cast in 1996, Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp. It was very cool to see live.
Anthony Rapp

Heidi and I
My trip home was somewhat uneventful, but I couldn't help but wish I was staying. I have so many friends that I never had before. It made me wonder if I could move. But being back home makes me glad I'm here too! Instead, I am going to do my best to make a trip at least once a year with a goal of meeting other bloggers and friends every time I go. If any of you are ever in Tennessee, let me know!So, now, I am going to close out this post with a promise to get back on track with my blogging. I am going to set myself a goal of posting once a week for at least a month. Those of you who follow me on facebook or twitter....remind me! :)
I've said it already, but it was super awesome to meet you! The pictures put a big grin on my face thinking about what a great time that was :)
And I am so intrigued with Next to Normal! I haven't been to the theater in NY since I was in my early 20's or possibly even my teens. It's definitely been a long time either way. I'll have to put Next to Normal on my list of things to see, and hopefully someday I'll be able to catch it.
PS Your Godson is adorable!!
I highly recommend N2N, Lee Ann. Even the music pulls so many emotions from me that I finish listening to a song and am almost tired from it. But in a totally good way, of course.
I can't imagine living that close to NY and not going occasionally to see a show! :)
And thanks for the compliment on my godson. We think he's pretty darn cute too! :)
Sounds like it has been a WONDERFUL time for you - and how cool to meet so many friends from blogging! I love meetups.
Whew, what a whirl-wind!! I'm tired just thinking about it. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to NYC. :( But next time you are there, for sure!
Sounds like it was AWESOME! I'm sorry I missed you this time, but I know we'll connect eventually. :)
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