If you have diabetes, care for someone with diabetes, are a sibling, relative, friend of someone with diabetes, and you have a story to share, e-mail me at beth2027@yahoo.com . I'd like to share your story with my readers. Because even though you may think you have nothing to say, everyone has a story to tell about diabetes. :)
I may not get to post all of them, but contact me and we'll see what I can get done. I'd really, really, really like it if there were some people who are not traditionally connected to diabetes (i.e. has it themselves, or is the primary caregiver of someone with diabetes). I'll take anyone, but I'd like to hear how your parent's diagnosis, or your best friend's low blood sugar while you were shopping, or your grandchild's first overnight stay with you after diagnosis went.
If you read this and you are a blogger, but know someone who might want to share their story who maybe doesn't read my blog, pass the info along.
There are a lot of ways that one can be affected by diabetes. I'd like for more people to realize in how many ways diabetes effects the people around the actual person living with the disease!
Cara, this is a brilliant idea!! I wonder if Pete would want to write something. Or maybe my best friend!! I'm going to ask them.
Karen - I'd LOVE either of them to submit something! I'd especially like to hear what Pete has to say. He ranks at the top of my favorite d spouses list. :P
What a creative and fresh idea!
I'm looking forward to reading some interesting posts
Great Idea Cara..I Actually made a new friend recently, he is a T1 but isn't in the DOC at all, I have been trying to get him to take baby steps and this could be an idea I can ran by him....I will see if he bites.
Wonderful idea! I will share.
Cara: This is a fabulous idea, one that goes to that very question of "How do we take the O out of Diabetes Online Community"... this brings the non-blogger folk of the D-Community online, and helps us cross that line. I'm going to spread word about this and think it's a great concept that can be echoed in the community. You rock. What an awesome idea, my friend.
Thanks everyone! I hope to get the word out about the project and see what happens. So far response has been minimal, but good. I've been actively seeking submissions myself, so that may be part of it.
Any help in spreading the word is greatly appreciated! :)
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