Thursday, October 4, 2007

JDRF Walk!

September 29th, 2007 was the Nashville Walk to Cure Diabetes. I went with my mom & sister & we had a wonderful day. Lots of free stuff (I got 2 new meters to try out!) and free food. And just in general spent some time around others wanting the same thing I do: A CURE!
It was the first time I had ever attended an even like this. I was highly impressed & had a lot of fun. I am hoping to go back again next year. I raised a total of $535. I figure for a first timer, that was pretty good. Next year I'll shoot for more! Thanks to all those who helped me out. Know that it went to a wonderful cause.
I haven't been posting lately, so I am very sorry about that. I am going to be working on posting at least a couple of times per week. I have got to get better about this!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cara.

Congrats and thanks for the $535.

What meters did you get? Maybe you can write a short review after using them for a while.

I always cringe when I see the prices of meters in the pharmacies. My endo told me NEVER to pay for a meter -- always see him first. He has a drawer full of them from the reps, and hands them out at no charge upon request.

Too bad I can't hit him up for some strips!

Anonymous said...

Yay! A new post! That makes me very happy.

I'm glad you enjoyed the walk. Over $500 for the ADA rocks! Good for you. And that's cool your mom came out to support you (and all of us), too!

Looking forward to more posts, though I know how life is...we're all here when you're ready to post again! :)

Anonymous said...

Oops...I meant the JDRF walk, not the ADA. Even better!

Cara said...

Jeff: I have plans to write a blog comparing them. Let's just say the results have been interesting...

Amylia: Thanks for the patience on my horrible blogging skills. I am working on it. Sometimes it's really easy to get some posted and other times I'm so busy I feel like I don't have time to breath...let alone write anything. I truly enjoy reading your blog. It makes me smile!

Donna said...

It feels good to participate in an event like this, doesn't it? That's how I felt when my husband & I went on that motorcycle fund raiser for diabetes a few weeks ago.

Like Jeff, I never have to pay for a meter. My endo hands me a new one for free any time one (or two)of mine dies. That really helps. They are so expensive to buy at the store!

I've used the same kind of meter for years - love it. But I'll be interested to hear what you say about the ones you got.